[13/04/2015] Yuval Moskovithch wins the best presentation award as voted by the audience.
[19/03/2015] DESWeb program is out! Check it out here.
[18/03/2015] Titles and abstracts of our keynote speakers are available here.
[04/03/2015] We are pleased to announce that DESWeb will feature two keynote speakers: Ioana Manolescu and Stratos Idreos. More information will be available soon.
[16/01/2015] We are pleased to announce the list of accepted papers.
[14/11/2014] Deadline extended to November 22nd.
[30/09/2014] Papers submission website is now open. Check out the submission guidelines.
[29/08/2014] DESWeb 2015 will be held in conjunction with ICDE 2015.
- Workshop information
- Call for Contributions
- Organization
- Program